
Un film pionieristico nell’unire la danza come linguaggio narrativo e la VR a 360° come media sperimentale. Il visore VR ci trasporta in una vasta spiaggia per assistere ad una piccola storia d’amore, raccontata giocando col movimento, lo spazio e il tempo.


Un film pionieristico nell’unire la danza come linguaggio narrativo e la VR a 360° come media sperimentale. Il visore VR ci trasporta in una vasta spiaggia per assistere ad una piccola storia d’amore, raccontata giocando col movimento, lo spazio e il tempo.

Regia: Jessica Kantor
Danzatori: Amy Rosoff Davis, Vance Vlasek
Direttore della Fotografia: Kyle Lewis
Operatore: Spencer Burnham
Montaggio: Spencer Burnham & Jessica Kantor
Effetti visivi: Russell Vargo
Motion Graphics: Jacob Hilton
Suono: Jan Bezouska
Musica: Variazioni su un tema di Paganini, eseguite da Justin Kantor
A Very Real Production


Combining illusion and reality, in this film Bruno Masi revisits the mental landscapes that make up the imagination of the famous choreographer Philippe Decouflé, inspired by the cinema of the 50s and the magnificent dance routines of Alwin Nikolais.


Combining illusion and reality, in this film Bruno Masi revisits the mental landscapes that make up the imagination of the famous choreographer Philippe Decouflé, inspired by the cinema of the 50s and the magnificent dance routines of Alwin Nikolais.

Direction: Bruno Masi
Choreography: Philippe Découflé
Co-production: Black Euphoria, France TĂ©lĂ©visions, Festival d’Avignon, Festival d’Aix en Provence, Compagnie OĂŻbo, Atelier Fabienne Verdier

Half Life VR

Half Life VR is a VR short film directed by Robert Connor that captures the immersive spirit of Sharon Eyal’s Half Life, performed by the Royal Swedish Ballet.
The short is a co-production between the Royal Swedish Opera and the Robert & Robert Studios. The VR production is inspired by 3-D dance films such as Pina, with the aim of presenting a unique artistic and immersive experience.


Half Life VR is a VR short film directed by Robert Connor that captures the immersive spirit of Sharon Eyal’s Half Life, performed by the Royal Swedish Ballet.
The short is a co-production between the Royal Swedish Opera and the Robert & Robert Studios. The VR production is inspired by 3-D dance films such as Pina, with the aim of presenting a unique artistic and immersive experience.

Direction: Robert Connor
Choreography: Sharon Eyal, Gai Behar
Dancers: Sarah-Jane Brodbeck, Joakim Adeberg, Frida Hambraeus, Devon Carbone, Daria Ivanova, Dawid Kupinski, Sarah-Jane Medley, Nacho Lopez, Emily Slawski, Ross Martinson, Lea Ved, Johnny McMillan, Amanda Åkesson, Dragos Mihalcea, Anton Valdbauer
Music: Ori Lichtik
Direttore della Fotografia: Robert Jonsson
Producers: Sebastian Lönberg, Robert Connor, Robert Jonsson
Executive producers: Catarina Falkenhav, Peter Yngen
VR 360 editing & post-production: Robert Jonsson, Robert Connor
VR sound editing and mixing: Sebastian Lönberg


Un adattamento a film VR a 360° di Everywhen, una performance multimediale che racconta il movimento ciclico e continuo della storia attraverso il movimento, elaborazioni grafiche in 3d e spazializzazione del suono. Everywhen orbita attorno a due aspetti della vita: quello personale e quello politico.



Un adattamento a film VR a 360° di Everywhen, una performance multimediale che racconta il movimento ciclico e continuo della storia attraverso il movimento, elaborazioni grafiche in 3d e spazializzazione del suono. Everywhen orbita attorno a due aspetti della vita: quello personale e quello politico.


Regia, visual, concept: Maria Judova
Danza, concept: Sona Feriencikova
Suono, concept: Alexandra Timpau
VFX per la danza: Florian Friedrich

Now Fiction ‱ Polar Bears

From the collection that F. Prioville created for the Pina Bausch Dance Company, the film by Fabien Prioville promotes a new form of encounter, transforming reality into short fantasy stories and exploring the reception of contemporary dance, both on a physical and virtual level.
A new virtual physicality allows to draw  near the dancer’s body. Taking place at the intersection of theatre, dance, public space, movement, and perception, it challenges the audience to move between two different levels of reality.


From the collection that F. Prioville created for the Pina Bausch Dance Company, the film by Fabien Prioville promotes a new form of encounter, transforming reality into short fantasy stories and exploring the reception of contemporary dance, both on a physical and virtual level. A new virtual physicality allows to draw  near the dancer’s body. Taking place at the intersection of theatre, dance, public space, movement, and perception, it challenges the audience to move between two different levels of reality.

Concept/Direction: Fabien Prioville
VR : Christoph Vobe
Dancers from the Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch: Daphnis Kokkinos, Reginald Lefebvre, Nicholas Losada, Julie Shanahan, Christopher Tandy, Tsai-Chin Yu
Dancers from the fabien prioville dance company: Francesca Ciaffoni, Tijana Prendovic
Productione: fabien prioville dance company
Administration: Alexandra Schmidt
Co-production: under construction e Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch
Organisational Direction: Roger Christmann e Stefan Dreher

curated by COORPI, CRO.ME – Cronaca e Memoria dello Spettacolo, Compagnia della Quarta, funded by MiC – Ministero della Cultura – Direzione Generale Spettacolo

with the support of

Regione Piemonte | Fondazione CRT | TAP – Torino Arti Performative

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