Tutto il mio amore

by Melania Fiore – La Resistenza delle Formiche
Rome, Italy
15 minutes

This story is about Carla, her love for Bruno, and the gorgeous land where they grew up, Calabria. Its tastes, colours, and scents make it look like a fairyland where everything seems possible. However, negligence and corruption are everywhere, thoroughly concealed, and the land is dying due to a mysterious virus: nothingness. This story is about a woman who could leave but decides to remain.

This story is about Carla, her love for Bruno, and the gorgeous land where they grew up, Calabria. Its tastes, colours, and scents make it look like a fairyland where everything seems possible. However, negligence and corruption are everywhere, thoroughly concealed, and the land is dying due to a mysterious virus: nothingness. This story is about a woman who could leave but decides to remain.

Dramaturgy and Direction: Melania Fiore

Performance: Melania Fiore

Light design: Riccardo Santini

Assistant director: Aldo E. CastellaniAndrea AnconetaniAlessandro Pertosa

Awards: Premio “Migliore Attrice Protagonista”, Premio “Giuria Popolare” and Premio “Miglior Spettacolo” at Dirittinscena Festival 2014;
Premio “Nuda Anima 2012” at the Teatro dell’Orologio in Rome as Best Short Play;
Premio “Miglior Attrice” at the National Festival of Italian Dramaturgy 2011.

Melania Fiore

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