
by Marcello Manzella
Caserta, Italy
20 minutes

‘Just like a matryoshka doll, a woman opens up and brings to life a series of stories in which three women are the protagonists. These women are raped both physically and psychologically; they are the victims of a social context that keeps them captives and unable to react. All they can do is relying on their ephemeral faith. These characters are forced to deal with their role in a society that wants them mothers and daughters.’


foto Orlando Napolitano-min

Orlando Napolitano


primo piano - marcello manzella-min

Marcello Manzella


Valentina Elia-min

Valentina Elia

Written by Orlando Napolitano

Direction by Marcello Manzella

with Valentina Elia

Music and sound effects by Mendoza Production

Stage photography by Pino Miraglia

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